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Dennis Donovan discusses cookbook created by Public Achievement students in KARE 11 segment

kare 11 - logoKARE 11 television recently interviewed a group of 5th graders who created a multicultural cookbook as a way to promote diversity and tolerance. The students are part Public Achievement, an Augsburg College program designed to teach democracy and citizenship through service projects.

The segment also featured program director Dennis Donovan. “There are a lot of issues in the world, and we need people to come together and solve these problems,” he said. “Having young people participate in public achievement gives them a skill-set and process that normally they would not have.”

Watch and read Students create cookbook to promote diversity on the KARE 11 site.

Harry Boyte talks special education and civil rights

Huffington-PostIn his latest Huffington Post article, Harry Boyte, Augsburg’s Sabo Senior Fellow, discussed special education and how it has become part of a “new” civil rights movement.

In the article, Boyte says that Augsburg College is a school that has gotten it right.

“The Augsburg special education program, dedicated to changing the entire special education profession from an approach which seeks to fix “problem kids” to an empowering pedagogy called Public Achievement which develops their public skills, is an outstanding example,” Boyte wrote in the article.

Read “The march is not over yet: a different education for the 21st century,” on the Huffington Post news site.

Changes in the EC

enrollment_paStudents returning to campus this fall will notice that a few things have changed at Augsburg since last spring. In addition to new spaces, there are other more subtle changes happening on campus.

Perhaps one students will soon see is that the Enrollment Center has new hours of operation. Starting in late August, the EC began opening on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 a.m., primarily so that the staff in academic advising, student financial services, and the registrar’s office could meet as a group for training and coordinating. This fall, service windows will be open during lunch, there will be increased staffing during evenings and weekends, and new signage was added to make services and times more clear. Continue reading “Changes in the EC”